Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 84 - Shakespeare

Day 84 - Shakespeare, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

I couldn't quite get my phone out quick enough to get a closer shot - the truck was coming out of Kapiti College drive as I walked past.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 83 - Gelaskin

Day 83 - Gelaskin, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

I've missed a day somewhere so doing 2 today - this was waiting for me when I finally arrived home after a long day in town.

Day 82 - Thou shalt not

Day 82 - Thou shalt not, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

I see this sign a lot - it's at the church next door to NZEI in Wellington.

Day 81 - Sticky

Day 81 - Sticky, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

On the fence of a friend's house - spotted as I walked in through the gate. Apparently brought home in a pillow case from a camping trip by 7 year old son!

Day 80 - Zorro

Day 80 - Zorro, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

Spotted in a courier van - 20 weeks old; Papillon/Chihuahua cross - the next day I saw him again and got to hold him.

Day 79 - Bands 4 Hope

Day 79 - Bands 4 Hope, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

Fundraising bands for Christchurch - which was my second home; where my kids were born; & which will forever be in my heart.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 67 - Rohi going wild

Day 67 - Rohi going wild, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

Two of my girls took Rohi and my iPhone out for an adventure before school started today. Here is one of their photos.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 63 - Rohi & Kea

Day 63 - Rohi & Kea, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

Rohi snuck home with me after school. She's really enjoying watching youtube videos (on the iPad) of her friends playing with cars.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 61 - Rohi & Friends

Day 61 - Rohi & Friends, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

Rohi arrived in our classroom today and instantly began making friends with some of the residents.

Day 60 - Flutterby

Day 60 - Flutterby, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

This butterfly fluttered down just as I walked out onto the deck.

Day 59 - Strike

Day 59 - Strike, originally uploaded by dragonsinger.

Strike performing at school.